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Alta Pinakothek Virtual Tour

The Alta Pinakothek is one of four museums devoted to art under one roof. However, unlike some of the others, it has taken an interesting approach to handle visitors (some were simply closed). It is allowing users to visit the museum virtually through Google Arts & Cultures -- similar to dropping down in a satellite Google Maps. I find this super cool because it really is a strong attempt to simulate a real-life experience at their museum. The tours are separated by section and you can move at your own pace, unlike a video that would allow you to do. In my opinion, it perfectly replicates what it would look like to be in that room in the first perspective. Although I had some difficulties reading the small plaques and blurbs next to the painting- which could easily be improved or fixed I think. You can also walk anywhere in the building with no restrictions which is what I found most amusing, because not only can you experience a similar view of the paintings, you can also experience what it would feel like to get lost in the museum as well!

There were two big factors that made me enjoy the experience less. For starters, nothing can mimic the feeling of being in a museum. Going to the museum should be a whole adventure. To truly absorb the image and take in the creator's perspective, is to experience the art in the way it was intended to be displayed. For that reason, I think virtual tours are great, but they shouldn't be the preferred, or obsolete way because that's not how it was supposed to be observed. I also think audience members should be made wary of this. Secondly, which ties into what I just mentioned, in a museum, you are taken away from daily distractions to observe the art. Here, at home, I am not, so there are likely things that I miss that I would not have in person. I believe we observe and absorb things best in real life and real time. That's how we were designed to work and evolved to work (although this may change later down the road, in the moment it does not). This applies to zoom and every aspect of learning and experience, not just art. You wouldn't say you rode a rollercoaster simply by watching it on youtube right? Then you shouldn't say the same for visiting a museum.

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