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LoFi Presentation Feedback Response

I thought the reference to Spiderman 2099 was really cool, even though it was a complete coincidence. I will definitely be looking into that more and seeing if it solves any questions I have and whether or not I can get any additional inspiration from it.

Here are some questions I need to address:

Q: How would the filter actually be projected onto a person's face/body? We know that it can be controlled by the watch, but what's actually causing the physical appearance change?

Q: What happens if you get in close contact with someone? Can they "step inside" your hologram? Also will there be software updates every so often to change up the outfits?

Q: What are the benefits to having filters?

How to gather likes in the real world? Does it pull clout into the platform?

Q: Software updates?

How I plan on incorporating some elements discussed in feedback:

I will include research on how plastic surgery in some cases can be toxic to your health and give this as motivation to move away from it. I will also incorporate a social element into the product since there is a real-life element to the filters there may as well be a real element to the likes. I will remove the dome-like structure to the product so no one can step *inside* the filter range. Also, I will talk more about filter packs and how the business of the product can expand. I think making the product come with a basic pack and then be able to add more on from there as soon as it you purchase more. I will also demonstrate how the filter works on a person and show how real it is intended to look.

Here are some questions and answers I already can address:

Q: Is this something everyone has and needs to have to fit into the society?

A: Everyone has it but only because it's a trend that everyone feels the need to be a part of. The same way everyone has an iPhone today.

Q: How will these filters translate on different skin tones and body types, etc.

A: It's not a mask. There isn't 100% opacity. It can't cover your entire body, but instead, it can mask/disguise what's there slightly. Also so it's conforming, therefore size/body type doesn't matter. It's meant to be inclusive.

Q: I was a little confused about the 360 part of it. Is the filter only for your face or your entire body? can you share a filter with someone?

A: It's for your entire body, but you can't share the filter with someone. However, someone can use the same filter as you.

Q: Im wondering how businesses would adapt to this? would brands like zara or other cosmetic brands be selling these filters?

A: It would sell on something like the app store. Where brands like Zara and Urban Outfitters could sell filter packs. This would eventually work with designers like Prada etc (just more unique/expensive packs).

Q: I was wondering if there is a limit to how much you can "edit" your appearance. Would there be a legal problem if I changed my look to the point that I look exactly like an existing person?

A: You cannot copy the identity of someone. Also the holograph isn't completely opaque so people would know who you are. You can only choose an aesthetic FILTER to conceal insecurities not identities.

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