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Framing Story + Message

Updated: Nov 13, 2020

My future is definitely dystopian. Not too far off from where we are now and a realistic depiction of the future--- I didn't want to go too far as BladeRunner had done. In my head, I imagine a world that we've most likely can compare to a Black Mirror episode. It revolves around a superficial nature and obsession over social media and looks. Here, we're definitely technologically advanced. Everything revolves around accessibility and convenience, but also aesthetic. We're obsessed with our looks, identifying who we are, and creating a "brand". In this future, we derive value from uniqueness and likeability. Fame means more than anything and even infamy is valued more than sincerity. People interact mainly through social media and there will always be some sort of technological middle man between real-life interactions. In this case, it's my product that's the barrier. A real-life holograph that portrays you the way you want to be seen. The way we speak verbally isn't too different. People still follow trends and hate fads. This is part of the reason why my product is so popular. It is believed to help minimize the socioeconomic barrier to fashion and personal appearances. The holograph transforms us to exactly how we want to be seen -- our best self I guess. However, it creates another problem. We don't know exactly who our best self looks likes and can create severe insecurities within our true self. Additionally, we can't grow from our poor experiences. It definitely feeds into the idea of pretty privilege. That somehow prettier is better.

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