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Chapter 7 : Speculative Everything Response

It seems that speculative design often experiments with CGI to make try and display mixed realities.

Other modes of displaying work are sketches, drawings, CGI. Each with their own setbacks. Namely detailed drawings are hard to decipher.

Both Dujardin’s work with CGI and Schulz’s adaptive photography makes us speculate and question if they are real. Whereas the other works in the chapter seem blatantly fictional and it's more on their end to show us their speculative thoughts/design. We are the ones critically thinking about their work, so I found it especially intriguing.

Interestingly when depicting the props of unreality, characters seemed to be the most efficient mode or at least what stood out to me most. As an example, the Prometheus scene where David reflects on his own capabilities, indirectly showing how intimidating science and its advancements can be. I think because characters on their own have the capacity to tell their own stories, they are extremely capable of sharing a new perspective. Speculation often dangles between real and unreal. This is why it came as no surprise to have no clear line when depicting hidden realities. You believe it's not real but it contains elements that are "bordering reality".

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