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Personal Inventory Responses

1(Suli): I like how you have a journal for all things academia and a separate for your larger goals. I think that's genius and I might try to copy that in the future. For now, I have a journal to make sense of any and all my messy thoughts. It works pretty well short term, but I would like to make long term goals and more active steps towards fulfilling them. You seem to be really family-oriented and I admire that.

2 (Riley): I wonder if you skate in the city. In Brooklyn, it must be easier. I used to own a skateboard and skated when I could in manhattan -- mostly through Stuytown -- but it's a little difficult to avoid the population lol. I wish I could still skate here but my skateboard was stolen (in Jasper!) and the ground around my neighborhood is too rocky anyways. Softball is a cool sport-- a team sport I wish I played. A lot of my friends played in middle school, but I majorly played tennis in high school and swimming prior.

3 (Kimmy): I think it's really cool that you take the initiative to dye you're own clothes. I also appreciate how you took a sustainable approach. I myself just bought a sewing machine to start creating, repurposing my own clothes. Also, mangos are delicious so I can't imagine what mangoes from the Philippines must taste like.

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