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Response to "The Miseducation of the Doodle"

I am a doodler but I wouldn’t describe myself as a strategic doodler until now.

Still, I won’t lie, my doodling can get distracting but I think for the most part they are productive. I carry that notebook of mine around at all times. I write every thought I want to remember and every list I want to keep. Not so that I can refer back to— often I never revisit the same page but instead to help my brain remember naturally. The miseducation of the doodle helped me realize that it’s actually a helpful and well-known tactic used to retain information. It also reduces the current stress of TRYING to remember all then information and let me think more freely and creatively. My journal is more of a bullet journal so word pictures, bullets, and arrow maps I’m familiar with. But, shading and actually drawings I’ve never really considered because I didn’t know how they would be useful. In the future, I will use the shading techniques and drawing faces to see how they help me (if at all) remember things more clearly. However, I think group doodles sounds too chaotic. Personally, because I find my doodling and sketching as a method to isolate my own thoughts from the chaos of everyday life and other people's ideas & opinions. I’m not sure how there will be a logical flow of ideas, but maybe that’s the point. I do see how I can make doodles FOR a group, just not exactly WITH a group.

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